How Ukraine uses HIMARS in counterattack against Russians

Ukraine has been using American HIMARS missile systems for more than two months. During this time, the Ukrainian military managed to deal an irreparable damage to Russian logistics, effectively stopping the advance of Russian troops. Hundreds of ammunition depots were destroyed. Thousands of tons of shells and rockets were blown up. Hundreds of Russian headquarters and command posts were destroyed. Supply chains have been hit hard. And eventually, the Ukrainians destroyed the bridges over the Dnipro River near Kherson, leaving more than 20,000 Russian troops trapped without supplies. HIMARS has become the most terrible demoralizing weapon that the Russian soldiers are afraid of and cannot sleep peacefully. And, of course, HIMARS plays a key role in the Ukrainian counteroffensive in the south. The Ukrainians go on the counteroffensive, and the Russians go on the defensive. We are seeing a strategic turning point in Ukraine. All that became possible thanks to a few HIMARS. Understanding this, the generals of the Russian army set a serious task - to find and destroy all HIMARS systems. There are even rumors that the order to destroy HIMARS was given personally by Putin. But despite all the efforts made, they never managed to destroy a single American missile system. How did it happen, and how did the Ukrainian military manage to turn the tide of the war using only two dozen HIMARS missile systems? And why the Russians can’t do anything about it? I will tell you about it right now! Let’s first briefly consider why the American HIMARS is superior to all similar Russian types of weapons. Russia has a wide range of multiple launch rocket systems. The youngest of them is “Grad“ which translates as hail. It launches small rockets covering enemy positions at a distance of up to 15 km. Then come Uragan systems. They use larger rockets and shoot a little farther. At the top is Smerch missile system, which can fire 300 mm rockets at a distance of up to 120 km. If you look at their work, it may seem that this is a very, very terrible weapon. In a sense, it is. But all Russian missile systems are inferior to one American HIMARS. And that’s because HIMARS has a really high accuracy of shooting. So that you understand how serious this advantage is, I will illustrate this for you in my video// At the same time, HIMARS can hit any target with just one missile. The HIMARS missile accuracy of hitting is 1 meter. One Ukrainian military said that the accuracy of the hit is so high that a missile can even hit the chimney of your house if he enters its coordinates. And again, we see confirmation of this. See how precisely the HIMARS missiles hit the bridge. That was the idea of ​​the Ukrainian military. The missiles hit along the same lane and at the same distance from each other. This was done to show the Russians the ability of HIMARS. That is why the Ukrainian military easily cut off bridges across the Dnipro River and often hit pontoon bridges through which the Russians try to supply their troops. And that is why the Ukrainian military destroyed hundreds of ammunition depots in the occupied territories. The Russian command has developed several ways to destroy HIMARS, and all of them were unsuccessful. At first, they tried to figure out the location of HIMARS from satellites and destroy them with their precision-guided Kalibr missiles. According to the Ukrainian military, Russia fired several dozen Kalibr missiles at HIMARS. The systems were indeed destroyed, but then it turned out they were wooden. The Ukrainians have launched the production of wooden models of systems. They are created in exactly the same dimensions as the original. Then they are covered with metal sheets in the same color. And there is a special device that generates heat inside. Therefore, on radar and satellite images, it seems to Russians that these are real HIMARS. Thus the Russians spent over tens of millions of dollars wasting a good amount of their best missiles trying to destroy decoys. Unfortunately, we do not have photos of wooden HIMARS but believe me, they are almost indistinguishable from the original.
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