Συρία 15 8 2018 Ένταση μεταξύ Τουρκικού Στρατού, φιλοτουρκικών ισλαμιστών και Κουρμάντζι (Κούρδων)

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – AUGUST 15, 2018: SYRIAN ARMY ADVANCES ON REMNANTS ISIS CELLS IN AL-SUWAYDA DESERT On August 14, the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) released a statement providing a look at their operations in the area of Afrin against the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA). According to the statement, Abdul Razzaq al-Bakr, a TFSA field commander, died on August 8 after being wounded in a bomb explosion in the district of Mabata. On August 11, YPG cells set off a motorcycle-bomb on the road to the village of Kafr Jannah in the district of Shera. The bombing reportedly hit a joint patrol of the TAF and the TFSA killing one Turkish soldier and wounding another. “A number” of TFSA members were allegedly killed.
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