Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman (1995) - Drawing reconstructed by Growing Neural Gas Networks

FLAMENCO DANCER reconstructed in 256 colors with 1485 growing neural gas networks. Music by Brian Adams. The video is created using growing neural gas network (GNGN) [1]. The software for GNGN was developed in Matlab environment [2]. Licensed to YouTube by: WMG (on behalf of Noble & Brite Ltd); LatinAutor - SonyATV, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, Sony ATV Publishing, UMPG Publishing, LatinAutorPerf, LatinAutor, SOLAR Music Rights Management, CMRRA, and 6 Music Rights Societies REFERENCES: 1. Bernd Fritzke, A Growing Neural Gas Network Learns Topologies, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 7 (1995), 626. 2. MATLAB 7.0, 1984–2004 Mathworks. #growingneuralgasnetwork #neuralnetwork #neuralnetworks #brianadams
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