China and Europe now! Hailstorm destroys buildings! People have not seen this for 130 years!
Giant hail and destructive winds uprooted trees, severely damaged vehicles and destroyed crops
A devastating and possibly record-breaking downpour of hail hit northern Italy late Monday night. Hail the size of softballs caused extensive damage to several tourist destinations.
One massive oblong hailstone discovered Monday night in Adzano Decimo, about 35 miles northeast of Venice, Italy, was estimated to be 19 centimeters long.
Amid a record heat wave sweeping southern Europe and northern Africa, severe storms struck from northern Italy toCroatia on Monday. Milan and surrounding areasLake Garda, Italy’s largest lake and a hot bed for vacationers, was hit particularly hard.
The windows of hundreds of cars and campers were shattered, and car hoods and roofs were covered with hail pits ranging in size from golf balls to tennis balls. Broken glass caused minor injuries.
Severe hail was also reported in northeastern Italy’s Friuli region. A real ice bomb nearly 8 inches in diameter was found in Azzano Decimo, southwest of the city of 100,000 . If confirmed, it will be the largest hailstorm ever observed in Europe.
The hail damaged the plane shortly after it left Milan for New York.
The storm also caused damage to buildings and vehicles, with many cars left dented and windscreens shattered by the large hailstones. Local authorities have urged residents to take precautions and to report any damage to their homes or property.
The hailstones caused significant damage to crops, particularly in the wine-growing regions of Piedmont and Lombardy, where vineyards were left battered and broken. Local farmers have expressed concern about the impact on this year’s harvest, with some estimating losses of up to 50%.
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