Same Time Moon Observations prooves Plasma Moon.
The moon appears with different angle for two different places.
In this paradigm we see two photos of the moon that was taken the same time!
We can calculate the angle between the two images of the moon.
After that, spoting the observerers’s places and the magnetic North, using the Plasma Moon Map Clock and knowing the date and the time of the photos we can find the sun’s direction line and then using the circles of latitude, the exact place.
Then, using the phase of the moon we can find the diference between sun’s and moon’s constellation.
In this way we find the direction of the moon from the magnetic North.
Fliping the image of the moon and puting the Plasma Moon Map above we find the place of the moon on the map.
Then we calculate the angle between the moon and the two places of observation on the map, finding exact the same angle with angle of the two photos!
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