Love Twisted/ Tomoshibi/ (2004) Eng sub dir. Ryko YOSHIDA

Love Twisted ・ともしび ・2004・Direceted by Ryôko YOSHIDA Yuko Yajima works at a library. To her co-workers she appears as an extremely shy and introverted person who hardly lets anyone know her true feelings and never smiles. However her interest in a man living in room 202, Mamoru Kosino, leads Yuko into some risque behavior. The interest turns into obsession, as Yuko’s jealousy turns into a thrilling game where she sneaks into apartments and scares tenants away, hoping to have Mamoru all to herself. () Language: Japanese/ Subtitles: English (hardcoded) .... No copyright infringement intended. For entertainment and educational purposes only. All rights reserved to YOSHIDA Ryôko.
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