Искусство Управления Энергией Energy Systema by Vadim Starov

SYSTEMA SPETSNAZ –ENERGY SELF-DEFENSE VADIM STAROV Разработка, проведение комплексных тренинговых программ мастером Вадимом Старовым с целью развития энергии и расширение сознания. Скрытое управление человеком, переговоры, техники противостояния манипуляциям; Психология управления; публичное выступление, проведение презентаций; Психология лидерства. Systema Spetsnaz Russian Martial Art’s Vadim Starov Русский Стиль-Боевая Система Спецназ Наша группа в Контакте Theory of Combat Breathing Methods Elements & Exercises Punches - Strikes - Kicks Pressure Points Internal Wave Energy Grabs & Chokes Weapons Combat Multiple Opponents Combat Combat in difficult conditions No - Contact Combat LEVEL #2 - ENERGY & INTERNAL POWER Seminar topics: Psycho-Energy Self-Development: - Healthy & Productive Energy - Generating and Managing the Internal Energy Flow - Discovering the Internal Power - Human Body as a Bio-Energetic Structure (aura, energy centers, meridians) - Types of Human Bio-Energy - The Concept of Hollow and Solid Organs (five conversions) - Breathing as a Source of Energy (various breathing techniques) - Energy Preservation and Collection - Energy Interaction within the Environment - Psycho-Energy foundation for No Contact Combat RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ SECRET TECHNIQUES No Contact Combat RUSSIAN ENERGY Special psychological methods of influence by energy on the opponent. SystemaSpetsnaz originated and battle tested by the Russian Military Forces, through out the history, this unique system is now taught to the general public.
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