ASMR - Tina & Queenie’s apartment - Fantastic Beasts ambience

(...) “It’s humble and quaint and warm in that sweet way a woman’s first home as an adult can be. It’s modest but lovely. A set of peachy lingerie is laid out on Queenie’s bed, next to some fashion magazines. Tina’s bed is next to a sensible row of books and some discarded flyers. (...) There are signs of normal young women’s existence too: little packets of bobby pins and beauty creams on a bathroom vanity, laundry at the foot of the bed... (extract from the article “A look inside a 1920s witches apartment in New York“, ) ******************* Hi everyone ! Thank you for stopping by. I wanted to create a Fantastic Beasts ambience for a while, since I absolutely loved the movie and was so in love with the atmosphere the producers brought to life. Here’s a look inside Tina and Queenie’s apartment. You can relax here while the sisters cook you some delicious food and dance to some cheerful 20s music. (Disclaimer : Please note th
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