Pizza Tower Z Power Levels 1 #shorts

How strong are Pizza Tower Z characters?! Here is their Pizza Power levels! SUB FOR MORE!👉 👈 🔶The Lumpy PATREON: 🦆Follow me on TWITTER: 📷The Lumpy INSTAGRAM: 📺Art Stream on TWITCH: Hello, my name is Lumpy, and this video is about Pizza Tower Z Power Levels. We cover the first two arcs of the show, the Pepperman Arc and the Vigilante Arc. These Pizza Power levels are not cannon, but they should be, I have done countless research. Part 2 will start with the Noise Arc! More Pizza Tower vids of mine: Which Sprite Is REAL? Pizza Tower Edition Draw Pizzaface from Pizza Tower! 1 MINUTE Pixel Art Tutorial! (There’s no stray pixel in this video. I think?) I used and edi
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