Michael R. Jones. Alkiviadis Ginalis. Строительство в Византии: влияние морских аспектов

Assist. Prof. Dr. Michael R. Jones, Koç University, Dr. Alkiviadis Ginalis, DAI, Istanbul Department, Moderation by Prof. Dr. Felix Pirson, DAI, Istanbul Department Although Byzantine shipwrecks and harbour sites have been excavated for decades, only with the Marmaray project excavations at Yenikapı (2004-2013) by the Istanbul Archaeological Museums a comprehensive diachronic picture could be drawn. Accordingly, the 37 shipwrecks and numerous coastal facilities discovered at Yenikapı provide an unparalleled opportunity to examine certain aspects of “Building in Byzantium”. As such, the papers will discuss the importance of the empire’s maritime heritage for the study of late antique and medieval building tradition and technology. Obwohl byzantinische Schiffswracks und Hafenanlagen seit Jahrzehnten ausgegraben werden, konnte erst mit den Ausgrabungen des Marmaray-Projekts in Yenikapı (2004-2013) durch die Archäologischen Museen in Istanbul ein umfassendes diachrones Bild
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