Землетрясение магнитудой 7,3 произошло недалеко от Фукусимы, Япония

The region in Japan was devastated by a deadly 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami 11 years ago that caused nuclear plant meltdowns. RELATED: Magnitude 7.1 earthquake rocks Southern California The region is part of northern Japan that was devastated by a deadly 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami 11 years ago that also caused nuclear plant meltdowns. That quake and tsunami killed more than 22,000 people. Wednesday’s quake came only days after the area marked the 11th anniversary of the disaster in March 2011. The 2011 earthquake was 9.1 magnitude, some 63 times stronger, and released about 500 times more energy than Wednesday’s quake, CNN reported. There are no immediate reports of casualties. » Subscribe to USA TODAY: » Watch more on this and other topics from USA TODAY: » USA TODAY delivers current local and national news, sports, entertainment, finance, technology, and more through award-winning journalism, photos, videos and VR.
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