Dual Universe Beta - A Look Back

Significant progress has been made since the Dual Universe beta began last year. From asteroid mining and missions to PvP balancing and shields, this retrospective highlights the best features and improvements added to the game up to and including our most recent update, Demeter, which introduced automated mining units and territory upkeep. We’d like to thank the DU community for joining us on this exciting journey. Your input and support have made all of this possible! PLAY DU: Dual Universe is a continuous, single-shard MMORPG that takes place in a multi-planetary, sci-fi world that features player-driven economy, politics, trade, and warfare. Players can freely modify the world by creating structures, spaceships, and even orbital stations, giving birth to empires and civilizations. Join the community: Official forum: Community portal: Follow us on: Instagram: Twitter:
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