ShuTube Let’s Go!!☆ 【An Aussie raised voice actress in Japan】

Hi everyone! I’m Shu Uchida, and I am a Japanese voice actress living in Tokyo. Here is my introduction vid! I have finally been able to start my own channel on YouTube!!! Yay!!: ) I’m going to be uploading videos on all sorts of topics(Please refer to more detail in the video), I hope everyone enjoys it! Here is some of the works I have done in the past: 皆さんこんにちは!そして初めましての方は初めまして! 内田秀(うちだしゅう)です。 私は普段、日本で声優として活動しています。 この度、個人チャンネルを開設することになりました!やった~(^^♪ これから色んなことをお届けできたらなと思います♪ よろしくお願いします! 私の今までの活動はこちらでみれます♪: Music: ***Important Notice about Subtitles*** Thank you so much to everyone who have told me that they can or have made subtitles of different languages in the past few days!!! I know it takes so long and so much brain power to translate. I have discussed with my agency, and if people could leave the subtitles in the comments section, I will slowly upload them as su
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