Growth Man

A day in the life of a man who’s trying to be the tallest person in the world. with @rothrobin24 cinematography & color: @fiokarpenko co-produced by: @henrik__larsen__ @oekfilms prosthetics created and designed by: @vincentvandykefx music by: @samuelnobles sound design: @magtracks 1st AC: @ 2nd AC: @vetta.p 1st AD: @ key grip: @mikenelli gaffer: @ sound recordist: @luismolgaard production assistants: @crystaldkim @purplelinetraintolinden Studio Coordinator: Brian Walsh Sculptor/supervisor: @vincentvandykefx Hair dept head: @sasha_camacho Prosthetic application/lead artist: @gwen_ramsey Sc...anning/Digital artist: @dantiri Mold shop supervisor: @carl_lyon_ Silicone prosthetic casting by: @s_imhoff_art #16mm #losangeles #midcenturyhome #shortfilm #kodak #growthhormone
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