A Canadian Odyssey - Ep 2. Finding the steepest slabs in Squamish!

As our crew winds their way north along the infamous Sea to Sky highway, full of views and rock rolls galore, they begin to develop a comfort with their steady transportation. Ludo opines on the peace he feels driving in the slow lane, we meet a new crew member (Squamish local and ice cream enthusiast Alex Hinkson), and the crew discovers their new favorite trail in the world. After enjoying a sunset by the river, the Collective attempts to tame the holy grail of slabs, from “In n Out Burger” to “Gouranga.” While all may seem well on the bikes, the reality of an unrelenting heat wave begins to set in, and refuge is sought under a train track bridge where glacial melt steadily flows. Kasi reminds the crew he must be between 18-22 degrees at all times. The first mosquito of the trip is smacked, and bug repellent becomes a must-have item going forward. Stay tuned! Next Episode: FOLLOW THE EPIC EPISODES: WELCOME TO THE SCOR FAMILY:
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