Justo Diéguez, creator of the revolutionary Keysi Fighting Method, tackles this first video of a complete instructional series, focusing on different sequences of action-reaction in situations of risk. Our natural barriers: hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, skull and legs, help us protect our weakest areas. Properly used, they create a flexible and articulated protective frame, which works for us spontaneously and naturally. That flexibility, together with the body mechanics and its capacity for constant change, give us the ability not only to create a shield around us, but also to use those same tools for the attack. Justo Diéguez provides us with the keys and explanations to deal with grip situations and find the way to get rid of them by applying our hammer blows, Pensaevo, Pensacodo, Pensachoque, knee strikes and low kicks, and using everyday objects that we can use as weapons. The video also analyzes the 3 distances, short, medium and long, as well as the anticipation work. Body mechanics teaches
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5 months ago 00:00:20 1
Keysi Fighting Method Batman-style martial arts.
6 months ago 00:54:24 1
Сколько приносит ММА бизнес? Аналог UFC в России | Главный шоураннер YouTube в России | Сульянов
7 months ago 00:25:41 1
НОВИЧОК В ТОП5! Обзор UFC 305: Гамрот vs Дэн Хукер, Туиваса vs Розенстрайк, Джинлианг, Пратес, Уокер
7 months ago 00:12:10 1
КАК ОН ЭТО ДЕЛАЕТ? Обзор UFC 305: Исраэль Адесанья vs Дрикус Дю Плесси. Кай Кара-Франс - Стив Эрцег
7 months ago 00:16:57 7
ОБЗОР UFC 305 | ВСЕ БОИ | Дрикус Дю Плесси, Исраэль Адесанья, Кай Кара Фрэнс, Стив Эрцег, Дэн Хукер