Live Multiple cameras of Gaza and Israel with news updates October 13, 2023

Source Global News HD live coverage in HD direct from camera sources with audio of Gaza and Israel with news updates from our team in our interactive chat. #breakingnewslive #breakingnews #israel #gaza Any SGN stream is free to watch and chat in, but we do have expenses to bring you the range of coverage from Ukraine to other world events, to leave a tip to help SGN you can do so here: Support Ukraine and other SGN causes: Donate to help Ukraine refugees : Help feed Ukraine : Sudan Relief Fund for Sudan refugees: Useful Links Lightning Map: #m=ses;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;y=;x=;z=7;d=8;dl=8;dc=0; SGN Tools and Links: SGN News Feed on Twitter: Join the Source Global News Discord at: SGN Merchandise Store: NOTICES : - The cams we show are not owned by us, they can go down at any time. We will work to replace cams that go down as possible. -Most of our camera content is open source cameras however the SGN logo that appears on screen and on our camera refresh screens is copyrighted and use of said logo or any part of it for any reason without permission is not permitted. -Rights to some content on any Source Global News stream have been purchased from the copyright holders. Any restreaming or use of the content below without the expressed consent of copyright holder can result in a copyright claim or strike against any channel doing so. - Some video content and live feeds are courtesy of our paid services from Ruptly New Content Delivery Service and AP and are copyrighted by them, do not use without their permission.
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