Blockchain Timestamping - A Verifiable Receipt

At this point, it is probably safe to say that most people have heard of blockchain. However, most of those people would likely say that it has something to do with Bitcoin. Obviously, they aren’t wrong. However, blockchain existed before the granddaddy of cryptocurrency burst into the mainstream consciousness. In fact, it existed before Satoshi first spoke of Bitcoin in his 2008 white paper. Bitcoin just took advantage of its security features – one of the most important of them being timestamping.  Blockchain was invented back in 1991, when the internet was still the domain of scientists, academics, the military, and the unpopular kids at school. In their own paper published that year, W. Scott Stornetta and Stuart Haber made it clear they saw the digital revolution that was coming. The pair recognized that a component of that would be the digitization of all kinds of documents, from papers like theirs to medical records to home titles. They also foresaw a problem we now take for granted – the fact s
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