GTA San Andreas Realistic Vision R1 - Just Business (Gameplay)
GTA San Andreas Realistic Vision R1 - Just Business (Gameplay)
Realistic Vision R1
by Abi Modding
PetkaGTA - RenderHook
crosire - ReShade
Junior_Djjr - config
Marty Mcfly - qUINT Shaders
RenderHook 2020_1_2a
[System Minimum]
Intel Core i5 750
Nvidia GeForce GTX 750
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Press ’Home’ to open ReShade menu.
Next Update :
Realistic Vision R2
Note: I increased Adaptive Sharpen to and disabled “ADOF“ on ReShade. Clouds, lighting, and shadow flickering is a work in progress. Clouds can be disabled by pressing F12 and unchecking “EnableCloudRendering“
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