Building An Alaskan Log Cabin - Week 2

The weather was cold today, about -10F (-23C) in addition, a winter storm blew through and dropped 8 inches of snow on me. Once everything was cleared off however, I was able to make some decent progress on the walls. I will be taking the wall height to a full 13 courses of logs (I am currently at 7 courses). The gable ends will go higher however, and follow the pitch of the roof. The sealant I am installing between the log courses is adhesive-backed butyl rubber tape. It is recommended and provided by the local sawmill that milled my logs. It works very well, even in the cold. You will notice me drilling holes down through the walls, these are to accommodate my electrical wiring. I will cut the door opening into the cabin once the walls are at full height, and will cut the window openings only after the rafters have been set and the roof sheeting installed. This will be a small but beautiful cabin with many nice features. I welcome you to follow along. I think you will
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