100 MS-DOS Games In 10 Minutes - The 80s Edition!

My first video for the PC platform! If you grew up in the 80s, you probably gamed on MS-DOS at some point or another. While not much of a contender in the early/mid 80s, the PC really started gathering popularity in the late 80s, before becoming the dominant (non-console) platform in the mid-90s. 4 color CGA graphics? Yep. 16 color EGA graphics? Luxury. 256 color VGA graphics? A dream. Sound? Uhm, the less said about that, the better. It’s interesting to note that the first half the 80s tended to have more arcade ports and action games, mixed with the occasional RPG, before the late 80s started bringing in more Sierra/Lucasarts style adventures and more “sophisticated“ games. Hopefully, this video shows that evolution well. Indeed, this video really charts the evolution of the Video Game quite well Notes: I’ve used the North American names of games where applicable - so “Sentinel“ becomes “The Sentry“ and Nebulous is “Tower
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