A Sci-Fi Short Film: “Dernier Contact - The take-off“ - by 7 Students of ESMI-Brassart | TheCGBros

TheCGBros Presents “Dernier Contact - The take-off“ by seven students of the school ESMI-Brassart (France) - Two thieves rob the bad house and find themselves embarked on a sci-fi adventure !. For more information, please see the details and links below: Credits-Contributors: Dernier Contact – The take-off, was made in 8 months by seven students of the school ESMI-Brassart (France) : Alex Bard : artistic direction, storyboard, art concept, animation, set up, modeling, character modeling, texturing, 2D FX Camille Latasa : lead project manager, compositing, lighting, rendering, layout, modeling, character modeling, texturing Gabriel Jaulin : animation, character modeling, set up, modeling Maxime Grenier : FX, modeling, character modeling Théo Mercier : animation, set up, modeling, character modeling Thomas Séris : animation, set up, character modeling Tiffanie Gauwe : modeling, texturing, character modeling The students were supervised by : Jean-François Hugon : technical director Frédéric Marzullo : FX
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