Helldivers 2: Tier 9 Helldive difficulty build & strategy for ICBM Terminid maps

First video in my series of guides. I will be breaking the guides up by archetype of map (ICBM, Eggs etc) and showing my build for it, and my approach to clearing the map. I’ll try my best to pick a video for it where I’m not even playing at the best and making some mistakes so you can see how to work through problems. This is a unedited video of me playing with randoms on a Tier 9 difficulty ICBM Terminid map. In general I use Orbital Railcannon, Orbital laser, Shield Backpack, and Railgun. Railgun can be a optional pick, if I noticed 2 or 3 of my team mates using it I’d likely pick up som...ething else like a grenade launcher, stalwart, or flame thrower. Make sure you take safety off on the railgun and I like to use FP POV to see the gauge fill up.
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