Анджелина Джоли на 62 конференции Исполнительного Комитета УВКБ ООН

UNITED NATIONS - / MaximsNews Network / 04 October 2011 -- Geneva - Angelina Jolie, the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, today (04 October) called for urgent help to help the people in Somalia and surrounding countries who are suffering from famine and in near-death conditions in a situation she called “the humanitarian crisis of a generation.“ In a speech to the leadership of the UN Refugee Agency in Geneva, Angelina Jolie said that humanitarian work “needs to scale up to meet the needs of these individuals“ and warned that the level of world response will determine “whether a huge number of people live or die.“ Jolie and the Yemeni humanitarian aid group Society for Humanitarian Solidarity (SHS) were praised for their outstanding work to help the world’s refugees over the past ten years; Jolie and the SHS founder and 290 staff of SHS received the prestigious Nansen Refugee Award for their live-saving work helping tens of thousands o
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