Dizzy Dishes is an animated cartoon created by Fleischer Studios in 1930, as part of the Talkartoon series It is famous as the first cartoon in which Betty Boop appears.
The cartoon begins with four anthropomorphic flapper cats singing “Crazy Town“. Chef Bimbo waits on a hungry gorilla and then goes to the kitchen to prepare the order, roast duck. When he is about to bring it to the gorilla’s table, he sees Betty Boop performing on stage and falls in love at first sight. He forgets about the hungry gorilla and dances on stage with the duck. The gorilla, furious, goes after Bimbo, who escapes on a wooden train.
The as-yet-unevolved Betty Boop is drawn as an anthropomorphic female dog.[2] Except for the ears, she resembles Betty Boop in her latest[dubious – discuss] incarnation. Also, she is merely a side character; the main plotline revolves around the incompetent chef Bimbo and the irate gorilla. “Crazy Town,“ sung by the flapper cats in the beginning of the cartoon, is a
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Бетти Буп и дедушка. 1935.
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Sizzy - Betty Boop (Official VIDEO)
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Betty Boop - The Old Man Of The Mountain 1933 // Banned Cartoon, Colorized HD, Remastered