Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
Обуховский сталелитейный завод
Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs
The Obukhov Steel Factory in St. Petersburg
This leading Russian Steelworks was originally founded in 1863 by Pavel Obukhov, Sergei Kudryavtsev and Nikolai Putilov as a steel foundry. In 1869 it was renamed the Obukhov Factory and subsequently acquired by the crown in 1886.
One of the leading Russian steelworks, which is sitll in operation today, the factory did not have any distinct specialisation. The factory produced twenty sorts of steel, armour plating for ships, artillery instalments, cannons, shells, mines, steel and iron bars, steam crankshafts, surgical and drawing instruments, gun barrels, rifle magazines, railroad wheels, tyres and axles………
From the Andante con moto (Tempo di valse) of the “Symphonic Dances by S. Rachmaninov
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