Song of General Kim Jong Un & Lets Defend General Kim Jong Un With Our Lives! DPRK Youth League

Pyongyang, April 19 (KCNA) -- Following are major news items and articles in Rodong Sinmun on Monday: An article says the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un has successfully led the movement of overtaking and learning from others and swapping experiences with them. Another article says that strengthening the Party cells is the cornerstone of strengthening and uniting the entire Party. New feats are made every day and every hour at the construction site of 10 000 flats in Pyongyang and the building and renovation of teacher’s training colleges are brisk across the country. The daily says North Phyongan Province has steadily achieved development with a high ideal. Hygiene information workers are enhancing their responsibility and role in the emergency anti-epidemic work. An article is dedicated to the lapse of 60 years since the victory of the Cuban people in the Playa Giron combat. The damage by COVID-19 is on the increase worldwide.
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