Tradition tells that the Apostle Thomas brought the Gospel to the shores of the Far East. In Kerala, in the south of India, the fruits of his apostolic zeal can still be seen today, being the state with the largest Christian population in India. We ourselves were able to stay there for 6 months, living, praying and singing with the Christians in several of their monasteries and parishes. From them we learned this hymn of the Syro-Malankar rite. At a time when many securities are tottering and people are looking for an unshakable support to accompany and sustain them in their lives, to give them firm ground and gladden their hearts, we want to highlight the beauty of our faith. Though the powers of darkness may try to overthrow the Church and even succeed in penetrating her and creating confusion, they can never destroy her. This chant from the Syro-Malankar rite makes it clear to us why: “The Church has said to her enemies: ’I am built upon Simon the rock. The saints are my permanent pilla
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