Усадьба «Михайловка» в Стрельне / Mikhailovka Manor in Strelna - 1860-1880s

Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях Усадьба «Михайловка» в Стрельне 1860-е -1880-е гг Pre-revolutionary Russia in photographs Mikhailovka Manor in Strelna 1860s -1880s Music: Moderato from the 13 Preludes, No.5 by S. Rachmaninov Poeme Satanique op. 36 by A. Scriabin Mikhailovska Manor, situated on the Peterhof Road was built as the summer residence of A.S. Mensikov, the favourite of Peter the Great. Leter between 1834-36, the estate was bought for the Government Treasury and granted to Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich, the 4th son of Emperor Nicholas I. Hence the name of the manor... The norther facade of the palace faces the Gulf of Finland and the Lower Park. A broad parterre extended in front of the building’s southern facade. Up until 1917, Mikhaylovka belonged to the descendants of Grand Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich. In 1919-41, the manor housed the work farm school Krasnye Zori. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, both the pala
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