Turks and Japanese – Distant Relatives? Phase I: Analysis with Prof. Robbeets

Türkiye and Japan. Two countries at the respective ends of the Asian continent. At first glance, they appear completely different. What could possibly unite these two countries, then? They say you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. Exactly the same is true of these two countries. Because the further back in history we go, the more similarities between Turks and Japanese we will discover. The cornerstones of Japanese culture are traditions, the high status of the family in society, and a sense of duty and honor with regards to the nation. The same is true for Turkish culture. Despite numerous crises and conflicts, these are characteristics of both nations that have been firmly rooted in their societies for centuries, even millennia. The problems of the two countries may also appear to be different. The land of the rising sun is struggling with an aging population, while the country between Orient and Occident is facing an identity crisis. At this point, however, both nations can learn from each othe
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