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The palace of the Yusupov family. It was built in the 1760s by Jean-Baptiste Vallin-Delamote. And it was rebuilt in 1830-38 by the architect Andrei Mikhailov. STOP! Let’s pause, jump forward 100 years - it was the collapse happened on May 16, 2006. The wall fell. But then the officials were diligently silent - the city officials nodded at the federal ones, they say, their conduct. And those bashfully whispered that they did not have money to maintain a huge number of St. Petersburg monuments. Fortunately, no one was hurt, the wall collapsed after a work shift.
We jump back: after the revolution, the Yusupov Palace became a museum, and in 1925 it was transferred to the People’s Commissariat of Education. During the war, it housed a hospital and the building was bombed. Having patched up, it was given back under the House of the Teacher, some halls were opened for viewing, but in general the palace remained a departmental institution until the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, when, finally, it was turned into a museum and the main halls were restored to their former form. But - not all!
Experts discovered an incredible number of flaws in the very walls of the building! After all, since the flight of the Yusupovs from Soviet Russia, no one has repaired anything here. Due to the proximity of the Moika River, the foundation “floated”, which is why the wall collapsed in 2006. We began to seriously strengthen the base. And only 6 years later, hands reached the restoration, i.e. preserving everything that can still be saved inside the building.
Craftsmen moved fireplaces, removed onyx walls, examined and dismantled every corner. And then there were real sensations, which, unfortunately, ignored the media. And they found neither more nor less - a treasure. Although, of course, what a treasure - a piece of paper! But for historians - dissertation material. A bottle was hidden behind the 20-kg fireplace lining. In it, just like in novels, under the sealing wax - a note. No, not drowning, but from the restorers of 1936. Then they also tried to put the cladding in order. And those, the predecessors of the present, sealed the mysterious message.
The scientific community has split into two camps. Some considered the contents of the note to be nonsense, a joke. Others are encrypted. The text is quite long, on both sides of the paper. In a nutshell, this is what it says:
- In 1936, we - the famous restorers ... worked as commander-in-chief Panov, the martyr Theodore - he was 115 years old and Prince Tarakanov - he was 16 years old ... In the reign of the Great Comrade. Stalin ... All sober, chaste and consciously justifying the era of art ...
For such jokes, in the era of Stalin’s “reign“ prizon shone. So historians are still wondering who the “martyr Theodore” is, why he is 115 years old, and “Prince Tarakanov” is 16 ... The mystery has not been solved.
In parallel, in the masonry of the yard extension, where there was a collapse, they found another note. But already quite serious. It said that the building was built in the 19th century. And historians believed that this extension of the Soviet era. Another sensation!
And this is the third treasure! After all, the first one was found back in 1926, when, in fact, the palace was transferred to the club for teachers. In the office of Yusupov, who had fled Russia, behind the library shelves, there was a metal safe room embedded in the wall. It kept ... Pushkin’s hitherto unknown manuscripts!
In the midst of the covid pandemic, the palace was finally reopened after restoration. There was not a single room left where specialists lingered. All doors were opened to the public. The same office of the head of the family - with a safe of Pushkin’s manuscripts. Boudoirs, living rooms, grand staircases, a Moorish room with a fountain. And even Yusupov’s closet with a special silver room. The walls are covered with a special silver - shutter, when the metal is evaporated in honey to get the original pattern. Here Felix planned to install a crystal bath. But the Bolsheviks came faster than his hygienic order.
Everything is genuine. Even the electric switches of that time, marble case, faceted with copper embossing and with a tiny ivory handle.
But the real delight is the countless chandeliers! From porcelain. rock crystal. Colored glass. Copper, forged, wooden. Yes, what to talk about - you need to look!