TNO | TNO×Genshin Impact AU Custom Super Event | Teyvat Unification: Liyue main unifiers
0:00 Zhongli
0:30 Ningguang (authdem)
1:00 Ningguang (libdem)
1:30 Ganyu
2:00 Keqing
The continuation of my experimental crossover AU about much more developed Teyvat. Here we have dengist Zhongli. two possible ways of lady Ningguang, poor girl Ganyu and proud local analogue of KMT.
UPFL - United Party of free labour
MTU - Movement of Teyvatian unification
The chronology of unified Teyvat goes according the new calendar in which AU is “after unification“.
Note: author will be mostly using pre-TT3 TNO subideological division (without partition of conservative democracy), assigning new subideologies to the older types.