In my life I have been fortunate to have explored fascinating places around the world. There is one particular city though, that keeps giving me new emotions every day. It is Roma (or Rome). Its variety of architectures that stands clearly apart from other “megacities“, Its unparalleled history legacy and Its intimate and quieter sides make Rome a city that does get into your bloodstream. Rome has been documented in different ways and for different purposes but few videos make you appreciate this city through local’s eyes. Partecipa al mio corso online dedicato alla Post Produzione su DaVinci Resolve e scopri l’approccio creativo e il metodo che uso durante la realizzazione dei miei video: I have dedicated months filming everyday’s moment to describe a day in Rome through a roman’s eyes. This short film is the result. Let me indulge you for few minutes. Locations: Many filmed locations are unknown to many. Click on the link to see film locations on map:
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