Star Wars - Republic Navy Complete Music Theme | Remastered |
Remastered Theme of Republic Navy from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Composed by John Williams and Kevin Kiner.
0:00 Battle Over Coruscant
0:19 Star Wars And The Revenge Of The Sith (Remastered)
1:44 Obi-Wan and Ahsoka Argue
2:02 The Republic Fleet
2:36 Arrival At Kamino
2:47 Enter Lord Vader (Remastered)
2:53 Arrival at Vassek
3:49 Ambush
4:00 Battle of Yerbana
4:14 Ahsoka Captured
4:24 Break for the Shuttle
4:30 Anakin’s Attack Strategy
5:10 Wat Surrenders
5:30 Landing on Teth
6:58 Republic Ships Arrive
7:38 Tower Battle
9:40 Air Assault
10:37 Duel in the Jedi Temple
10:48 Buzz Droids
11:00 Battle of Felucia 1
11:20 Victory
11:29 Palpatine’s Teachings (Remastered)
12:00 Once More Unto the Breach
15:09 Interrogating Gunray
15:36 Luminara & Barriss
15:56 Obi-Wan’s Negotiation
16:32 Anakin and Obiwan Speak
16:41 Star Wars And The Revenge Of The Sith (Remastered)
18:46 Plo Koon Fights Back
19:32 Race You to the Surface
Author of the image: PETER88
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