Stravinsky: Ballet ’The Rite of Spring’, K015 [Currentzis]

*Part 1: The Adoration of the Earth* I. Introduction (0:00) II. Augurs of Spring. Dance of the Young Maidens (3:28) III. Ritual of Abduction (6:27) IV. Spring Rounds (7:36) V. Ritual of the Rival Tribes (11:40) VI. Procession of the Elders: The Sage (13:31) VII. The Kiss of the Earth (14:10) VIII. Dance of the Earth (14:35) *Part 2: The Sacrifice* IX. Introduction (15:41) X. Mystic Circle of the Young Maidens (20:18) XI. The Chosen One (24:00) XII. Evocation of the Ancestors (25:36) XIII. Ritual of the Ancestors (26:13) XIV. Sacrificial Dance of the Chosen One (30:09) Conductor: Teodor Currentzis Orchestra: MusicAeterna
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