Ridgeline Landing, Flying the Pilatus Porter

Enjoy the views and shoots from some of the most beautiful places in West Papua. The runway we’re landing on is called Sipogol and it’s located along a ridgeline. Landing at late mornings are usually not possible due to dangerous up valley winds and crosswinds. Its steep section allows for the plane to slow down quickly and a lot of power is needed to reach the top. Enjoy the stunning views!! Air America style! Big thanks to Hartley and Patrick for allowing me to record the formation shots and John Knox for helping me out with the cameras. If you like the content consider supporting my channel buy subscribing on my Patreon account or a one-time or recurring donation to @APilotsHome by buying a beer :)). Links bellow: Social Media: Instagram: LinkedIn: Music: Yehezkel Raz - Shallow Water
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