Kosygin Arrives (1967)

Here’s some footage of the Russian statesman arriving in London. Beeing welcomed at the London ariport. No title - Russian statesman Kosygin arrives in Britain. London. Technicolor. C/U Russian flag. M/S as British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and George Brown, Foreign Secretary, walk along airfield. M/S children from the Russian Embassy. M/S aeroplane coming in. M/S line of policemen. L/S Harold Wilson going aboard. L/S Brown and Mrs Wilson with other dignitaries. L/S as they emerge from the plane. L/S as Kosygin greets George Brown. M/S as Alexei Kosygin greets children. M/S press taking pictures. M/S as Wilson and Kosygin walk along and people applaud behind barriers. M/S Harold Wilson and Kosygin walking along, they get in car. M/S as it drives off. C/U Downing Street sign, C/U door of number 10. M/S as the car draws up at number 10. C/U Russian flag on front of car. M/S as Wilson and Kosygin get out and shake hands outside number 10. M/S Wilson and Kosygin, they wave and enter number 10.
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