Ironing legs Practice (Ido Portal)

The Ido Portal Ironing legs practice- demonstrated in the video, is an incredibly potent way to build the mobility, anti-fragility, and coordination of your lower body. For me, this has been one of the most beautiful, approachable, and universally helpful parts of the Ido Portal Method. I’ve been starting to notice a trend among grapplers having trouble to sit or stand up on the floor, generally because of knee/hip issues. - One excellent solution for this is this “ironing legs” practice. It’s a drill I was introduced to by Ido Portal during a 2017 internship in Australia. - You could call it a ’primal movement’, but Ido refers to this as an organic mobility drill, which basically means that rather than strictly focusing on one particular linear stretch, we’re moving around and working on a task that has inherent mobility demands. This means not only are we going to be opening up and even strengthening pretty much all the different structures in the lower body, we’ll be working on c
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