Trip to Budapest E09: 10-Week Countdown | React to Autumn Strong, Together, Fly Away and Qairan Elim
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Join Richard Fink IV, a Guinness World Record-breaking vocal coach, and Johnny Cummings, a Billboard #1 songwriter, as they react to a new song from Dimash Qudaibergen each week. This exciting 10-week series culminates in a journey to Budapest, where Richard and Johnny will witness Dimash live in concert for the first time, thanks to the generous support of Dimash’s passionate fandom, the Dears.
▶ Autumn Strong (Gloria Wu) -
▶ Autumn Strong (Kiev) -
▶ Together (Almaty) -
▶ Fly Away (Almaty) -
▶ Qairan Elim (MV) -
▶ Qairan Elim (Almaty) -
iTunes -
Spotify -
#dimash #reaction #autumnstrong #vocalcoach #vocalcoachreacts #songwriting #thevocalgym #songanalysis