Тантра с Хомой и Мукто на Бали

This tantra work was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I once made a simple, yet heartfelt request to the world, “Dear World, I want to work with love, I want to serve people.” Life answered by introducing me to Homa and Mukto, two extraordinary individuals who have guided me on a profound journey into the world of tantra. Throughout the years, I’ve discovered my love for experimenting with new things, but it’s when I meet someone or something truly special that I find a deep connection. Whether it’s with friends, interests, or partners, I dive deeper, seeking quality over quantity, and exploring life to its fullest. Through these experiences, I’ve learned to SAY YES TO LIFE, to love, to intimacy, and to the opportunities that life presents. This work has nurtured my maturity, grounding me in my body and heart, teaching me to embrace each moment as it comes. My dear friends, if I could give you a gift, it would be the incredible journey I’ve embarked upon - Tantra with my beloved Brazilian masters, Homa and Mukto @homa_mukto Actually this tantra work is about - Do you have the courage to be yourself and to go into the unknown. Do you have the sensitivity to be receptive for what wants happen to your system. Can you receive it? 🫀Join us from December 8th to 10th in Ubud for the Tantra Consciousness retreat, where you can learn to “Say YES to life.” I wholeheartedly invite you to discover your own path to self-discovery. Feel free to ask me for details in a private message
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