“Life is dangerous, you are not safe and anything can happen to you at any moment.” What is a near miss?

#near miss, #jobsafety, near miss, escaped with a difference of seconds, .job security, With the difference of seconds, work safety, #harunarabaci, occupational safety work accidents, work accidents, risk #iskazalari, #isg, #osgb, #job security, #isguvenligi #convention, #prevention protection area, job site,works education videos seconds difference, Near miss, business, security, #community #incurrection #security #include, Occupational Safety and Occupational Health Animation Videos, harunarabacı, what is a near miss, escaped with a difference of seconds. occupational safety, exemplary work accidents,* “Be careful.” “Life is dangerous, you are not safe and anything can happen to you at any moment.” What is a near miss? you fall. It hurts you.“ The mother, who utters these sentences, gives the following message to her child:
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