One second to compute the largest Fibonacci number I can
Most of us are familiar with the Fibonacci sequence. What’s the largest Fibonacci number you can compute in 1 second?
I’m not setting any world records, here; I don’t own a supercomputer.
You can criticise my code here:
At 7:59, the e_{01}s in the bottom row are incorrect... [in my defense, the Fibonacci transition matrix is symmetric]. Thanks @andykhang404.
00:00 - Introduction
01:06 - Recursion
02:35 - Memoisation
03:39 - “Linear“ nonrecursive algorithm
04:31 - Matrix-based algorithm
05:57 - Things add up
08:20 - Fast exponentiation algorithm
10:07 - Grade-school multiplication
11:45 - Multiplication through division
14:38 - Discreet improvements
17:27 - Fast and Furious (wysi)
19:36 - Golden medallist
22:10 - Thx 4 watching
22:38 - The ugly truth