Crop Circles Theme - Marcus Viana

I am fascinated with the “Crop Circles“ and its mysterious code to be deciphered by us. The Sacred Geometry present in every artistic and scientific achievement of Humanity is there, drawn from the heights by “somebody“ using some kind of laser that does not incinerate, only carves in the fields of mature cereals, ready for the harvest ... It´s pure music! they appear from the night to the day attracting crowds of scholars who try to decipher the riddle of their symbols ... I used here virtual synthesizers and electric violins in the creation of this theme with a technologic air, to accompany ...these images harvested all over the world. Sou fascinado com os “Crop Circles“e seu misterioso código a ser decifrado por nós. A Geometria Sagrada presente em toda realização artística e científica da Humanidade está ali desenhada das alturas por “alguém“ usando algum tipo de laser que não incinera,apenas esculpe nos campos d
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