21st Century Slaves

Some 215 million children are laboring for survival. “The grim reality for many children is they do not have the opportunity to play, to learn,“ he said. “They are trapped in child labor. We want to focus attention on this issue.“ Of the 215 million child laborers, the ILO estimates more than half, or 115 million, are trapped in the worst forms of child labor. This includes all forms of slavery, such as debt bondage, using children in armed conflict, or in the sex industry. Many children also are forced into hazardous work, including domestic service, agriculture, and mining. The ILO says the largest number of children work in South Asia, because of the sheer size of the population. But, in terms of percentage, sub-Saharan Africa has the largest number of child laborers. 21st Century slavery features youtube footage from Zeitgeist - Moving Forward The Hidden Face of Globaliza
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