IN FULL: South Africa legal team lawyer praised for “stunning“ closing statement

Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh KC, the Irish lawyer serving as Counsel and Advocate for the Republic of South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), delivered a statement in The Hague on Thursday, January 11. Her closing “stunning closing statement“ was praised by many. Watch it here in full. “There is an urgent need for provisional measures to protect Palestinians in Gaza from the irreparable prejudice caused by Israel’s violations of the Genocide Convention,” Ní Ghrálaigh told the court on Thursday. “There could not be a clearer or more compelling case.“ She asserted: “It is becoming ever clearer that huge swathes of Gaza — entire towns, villages, refugee camps — are being wiped from the map.“ Fund honest independent Muslim journalism: . #news #palestine #gaza #israel #icj #southafrica #thehague SUBSCRIBE ► Watch your favourite Islam Channel shows
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