Signs, Wonders and Miracles in the Dominican Republic! 🇩🇴 סימנים, פלאים וניסים ברפובלי—

We encourage you to share the gospel with your friends by sharing this video! Visit for more information on how you may receive the book “My Beloved Holy Spirit“ as a thank you gift for supporting the ministry. We stand in awe of everything that the Lord has done this past year! Jesus continues to reveal his love and compassion through signs, wonders and miracles! This year we were able to share the gospel in person with thousands in nine different nations, and with millions through the videos on Youtube. We have truly seen the glory of God manifested upon the earth! We would like to share a short video of the outpouring of the God’s Spirit that we experienced in the Dominican Republic. To watch this powerful video simply click here: We thank all of our partners for investing in the work of the Holy Spirit, and for making it possible for us to impact so many lives with the love and gospel of Jesus.
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