N. Korea’s bolstering ties with Russia, its continuous provocations including ICBM
정찰위성에서 ICBM까지 2023년 한 해의 북한은 어땠나
As this is the last week of 2023, Within the Frame is wrapping up the year, sharing details of what happened under a different topic each day.
Today, we would like to focus on North Korea.
As North Korean leader Kim Jong-un pointed out 2023 was a year of change as Pyongyang considers itself to have improved national power by successfully launching a spy satellite and solid-fuel ICBMs.
It was also a year to remember as a clear alignment between North Korea and Russia was shown through the Vostochny summit between Kim and Putin.
How are tensions on the Peninsula forecast to develop next year
and what were other major issues related to North Korea?
For this, we invite Doctor Go Myong-hyun, a Senior Fellow from the Asan Institute for Policy Studies.
Doctor Go, welcome.
We also have Evans Revere, a nonresident senior fellow of the Brookings Institution.
Mister Revere was also the former Acting Assistant Secretary of State.
Good to have you with us again, Mister Revere.
(GO) Q1. North Korea launched solid-fuel ICBMs three times this year. Though it is believed that flight capability has been demonstrated, the atmospheric reentry technology is yet to be verified. Could you tell me more about the ICBM’s capabilities?
(REVERE) Q2. Another major achievement North Korea made was putting a military spy satellite into orbit after two failed attempts in May and August. During its key year-end meeting of the ruling Workers’ Party which has already started, Pyongyang is expected to decide on a further launch for next year. How did you see this year’s satellite launch and what’s your forecast for such a launch next year?
(GO) Q3. In order to boost leverage, many expect Pyongyang to further continue with provocations before Washington’s presidential election takes place. How likely is a seventh nuclear test in your opinion?
(REVERE) Q4. When it comes to diplomatic achievement, we cannot leave out North Korea and Russia’s bolstered military cooperation following the summit between leader Kim Jong-un and Russian President Vladimir Putin. But with China distancing itself from the two some say the alignment between North Korea, Russia and China will not last long. What is your view?
(GO) Q5. Against North Korea’s threats, Seoul and Washington strengthened ties very much this year as they marked the 70th anniversary of their alliance. President Yoon and Biden adopted the Washington Declaration during a summit in April and ensured Washington’s extended deterrence against North Korea. What was agreed during the summit, and how significant was it?
(REVERE) Q6. South Korea and the U.S. updated their tailored deterrence strategy and also announced the new Defense Vision during their Security Consultative Meeting. What were the details?
(GO) Q7. The thaw in Seoul-Tokyo relations helped fuel momentum for three-way cooperation involving Washington. The leaders of the three countries held the landmark Camp David trilateral summit in August. What are the details of what was agreed and how significant was it?
(REVERE) Q8. South Korea and the U.S. had actively raised awareness of North Korea’s human rights issues with Seoul publishing a report over the regime’s human rights violations, and Washington nominating a special envoy for the issue as well. Why has this issue been raised so actively?
(GO) Q9. North Korea has been under pressure from the international community to improve its human rights situation, with the U.N. General Assembly recently passing a North Korean human rights resolution for the 19th consecutive year. However, no meaningful progress has been reported yet. What further efforts should the international community make in order to tackle this issue?
(REVERE) Q10. Leader Kim Jong-un’s daughter Kim Ju-ae made frequent public appearances this year, and there was some speculation that she could be anointed to succeed her father. What could have been reason for Kim Jong-un to bring her to the forefront?
(BOTH) Q11. One thing for sure is that the tension on the peninsula was heightened to new levels. What’s your forecast for next year given the many variables --such as Korea’s general election, Washington’s presidential election? What are the possible scenarios?
Unfortunately, that’s all the time we have for today’s edition.
Thank you Doctor Go, and Mr. Revere for your time and insights.
We appreciate it.
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2023-12-27, 18:30 (KST)
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