Реакция звезд на новость о смерть Анны Николь Смит
(9 Feb 2007) SHOTLIST
AP Entertainment
US, Recent
1. SOUNDBITE (English) Brooke Shields:
“I was shocked, I cried, my mom called. I am just so sad for that baby and I am so sad for everybody who loves her and I only hope that maybe she is with her son. With everything that she ever went through, she seemed to be able to endure, she always seemed like she was sweet. I never met her, but her heart seemed pure, no matter what she was going through. You couldn’t not like her, I couldn’t, so I always appreciated just that she was who she was.“
2. Wide Shot Tyra Banks talking to reporters
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Tyra Banks:
“she was on my talk show, Anna Nicole was on my talk show and she was so sweet and she was a really sweet woman and I am sad that she is gone. I’m really sad.“
4. Wide shot Cindy Crawford posing for phographers
5. SOUNDBITE (English) Cindy Crawford:
“It’s tragic, I just heard while I was getting ready for tonight, so
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