This screencast shows how to get started with JHipster 7 and create a secure blog application.
Tutorial and source code:
JHipster website:
JHipster on Twitter:
Matt on Twitter:
Table of Contents:
00:08 - What is JHipster?
00:38 - Install JHipster 7
01:22 - Create a JHipster Project
03:23 - Run Cypress e2e Tests
03:43 - Generate Entities
06:02 - Disable
07:32 - Add Business Logic
09:39 - Make UI Enhancements
10:25 - Allow HTML
10:56 - Improve the layout
11:18 - Lock It Down!
13:36 - Deploy to the Cloud
15:10 - Learn More about JHipster
15:30 - Source Code, CI, and CD