Hamas suspends hostage talks over Israeli attacks near Al Shifa hospital

“하마스, 알시파 병원 문제로 인질 협상 중단“ Tensions escalate in Hamas suspends hostage talks over Israel’s attacks near the Al Shifa Hospital. Hundreds of patients are suffering amid a lack of fuel. Shin Se-byuck has the latest. Hamas said on Sunday it would suspend hostage negotiations over Israeli military operations close to the site of the Al Shifa Hospital in Gaza. “We hold responsible for the hospital massacre anyone who is silent or fails to act to stop it, prevent it, or criminalize the occupation, and hold their leaders accountable before the courts for international crimes.“ Intense clashes have continued near Al Shifa Hospital, the largest medical facility in Gaza, as Israel has accused Hamas of using the hospital as a cover for a command center. According to the Palestinian health ministry, 12 people, including three babies, have died at the hospital due to a lack of electricity. Supplies of medicine are also running extremely low, making the situation even worse. However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in an interview with NBC on Sunday said that Israel had reached out to offer fuel to Al Shifa hospital, but Hamas militants refused it. Hamas has denied those claims, while according to the BBC, an official from the hospital said that only 300 liters of fuel had been offered by Israel, enough to power generators for 30 minutes. In the same interview, Netanyahu said there could be a deal made for the some 200 hostages taken by Hamas. This came amid reports of a proposal to exchange some 80 women and children being held for Palestinians in prison in Israel. Netanyahu said military pressure on Hamas would increase the chance of hostages being released but did not provide concrete details regarding the matter. Meanwhile, Netanyahu on Sunday once again reiterated his stance on having security responsibility for the Gaza Strip for an indefinite period even after the war ends. “We want security control of Gaza, with the ability to enter whenever we want to eliminate terrorists who can infiltrate the state of Israel.“ Netanyahu has made similar comments regarding Israel’s security responsibility for the Gaza Strip in the past. This is in opposition to the United States’ stance,.. as was reiterated by Washington’s top diplomat Anthony Blinken last week when he said that Palestinian views need to be at the center of conversations about Gaza’s future. In response to Netanyahu’s recent comment, according to Israel’s public broadcaster KAN on Sunday, the United States reportedly asked for clarification. Shin Se-byuck, Arirang News. #Israel_Hamas_conflict #Israel_Palestine_war #Gaza_Strip #Palestinian_militant #Israeli_Defense_Forces #security #Middle_East #hostage_talks #Al_Shifa_hospital #hostage_negotiations #Benjamin_Netanyahu #이스라엘_팔레스타인_전쟁 #하마스 #알시파병원 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2023-11-13, 09:00 (KST)
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